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Making a Bequest


A bequest is a gift and can be either named or anonymous. It is contained within a will and specifically reserves part of an estate for a particular beneficiary. Bequests can be made in a variety of ways to reflect a donor’s wishes. They can be defined personal assets such as bonds, property, fixed sums, the whole or a percentage of an estate. They can be a residual bequest meaning the part left of your estate after you have provided for family or friends. If you wish to make a bequest to the Education for Social Renewal Foundation you should obtain legal advice as to the different ways this gift can be made. 


Bequests directed to the Education for Social Renewal Foundation can be general or specific. If your bequest is general it will be distributed by the trustee to Rudolf Steiner educational initiatives or individual students that have particular needs in relation to land acquisition/buildings or scholarships.


If your bequest is specific you need to inform us of the institution and its requirements (Building/Land Fund) or the student or students you wish to support (Scholarship Fund). Please note that the institution in either case needs to have a connection to the aims of this Foundation; click here to see the requirements.  The institution should contact the Foundation to obtain an application form.


Please note: our intention will always be to fulfil your wish. However we are obliged to indicate that, legally, money donated to our public ancillary fund can be directed at the complete discretion of the trustee.


All bequest correspondence with the Education for Social Renewal Foundation is confidential. Please contact us if you would like to discuss the matter of your bequest. 




To make a bequest to the Education for Social Renewal Foundation you might like to consider the suggested wordings printed below. These suggestions may assist your solicitor in the preparation of your will. If you have already made a will, you may simply add a codicil to include the Education for Social Renewal Foundation - an inexpensive procedure. 




The following clause is intended simply to guide you should you be considering the Education for Social Renewal Foundation when making your will or alterations to it by way of a codicil.  This is not legal advice.  We recommend you seek legal advice when drafting your will or making any alterations to it.


Unconditional Gifts to the Education for Social Renewal Foundation:


I give and bequeath free of all duties and taxes to the Education for Social Renewal Foundation (ABN 60 608 686 782) of Wadkins House, 59 Railway Pde, Mt Lawley WA 6050, Australia:


●  the sum of $ ___________________________


●  my property known as: ___________________


●  the following chattels: ___________________


●  a ___ per centum share of my residuary estate (specific %)


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